Friday, October 10, 2008

Kindergarten Words

Abbie's teacher sends an envelope of flash cards home with her every Monday, and we're to return it by Thursday at which time she is tested on her ability to memorize - er, on her knowledge.

She's learning to sight read. I think to a point this is necessary, but anyway...She does really, really well. When she struggles, I help her sound it out. This pisses her off, and not just during homework time. At various times during the day I'll hear this:

"Mom, how do you spell 'dog'?"

I don't even look up. Usually I've already helped her spell out dozens of other words, or have had to explain why "ehdyu" isn't a word. Usually, by this point, my head is about to explode.

"Sound it out."

"I don't want to!"

Reminds me of all those times I was told by an exasperated parent to "look it up."

Anyway, the other day we were going through the cards. She's got "see," "the," "and," and a few others down pat. She calls these her "kindergarten words" and it's been fabulous. Whenever she insists she's bored or we're in a waiting room, I tell her to grab a mag and look for her kindergarten words. She finds this thrilling, fortunately enough.

There are a few words she struggles with, though. "It" is one of those words. You'd think a kid who knows - out of the blue - how to spell "here" or "she" would get "it" but whatever. I don't care. What's funny is how she sounds it out.


"No, sweetie. This one makes an "eh" sound."


"Good. What sound does the t make?"

"Teh. Teh."

"Awesome. Put them together now."

Her forehead furrows. "Eh-teh. Eh teh. Eteh."

Her eyes widen with the relieving joy that is personal revelation.


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